The beginning of the year is often a time for self-reflection. It offers a chance at new choices and new directions. For many, those choices revolve around deciding whether to leave a broken marriage. This is part of the reason people often refer to January as...
Stepping Out And Standing Up For What Is Right.

Family Law
Military divorce when one spouse is out of state
Going through a divorce is a stressful time for all parties involved. A split is even more complicated when you and your spouse live in two different states. Here are some questions you need to understand if you are a service member or a military spouse who is...
Why High Asset Divorces Must Be Handled Differently
Some divorces are simple. The couple shared minimal assets and there were no children present in the marriage. Other cases, however, can be more difficult to navigate. One of these is a high asset divorce. Read on to learn why certain types of divorce, including high...
What Judges Look For in New Jersey Child Custody Cases
Preparing for a child custody case can help you know what to expect. When a judge is in charge of assigning custody, they will consider the many factors that relate to the child’s safety and wellbeing. Their decision is usually based on the best interests of the...
FAQ: Divorcing Someone in the Military
Divorce laws and requirements can get tricky when one spouse is in the military, making it difficult to know how to proceed. The same rules and regulations that apply to traditional divorces do not always apply to military divorces. If you are considering divorce, it...
What Should I Know About a Military Divorce?
Divorce is a messy, complicated matter for the average person. A military divorce can be even more so with certain differences that can complicate the process. Today, we’re hoping to walk you through the process and help point you in the right direction. What State...
Military Pensions- How Are They Handled in Divorce?
Filing for a Military Divorce in New Jersey “What’s yours is mine” is a common phrase that often relates to marriage. In fact, if you are married and consider everything that you own together, you might be surprised at just how intertwined your lives are. Couples that...
Military Divorce and Child Custody: Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Provisions
Filing a Divorce as an Active Duty Member Determining the best interests of the children is one of the most difficult parts of a divorce. Regardless of how amicable the divorce is, the children will experience a change in their lives. However, when one or both of the...
Divorce After Domestic Violence in New Jersey
Domestic Violence Statistics Do you think domestic violence is an issue of the past? Think again. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence estimates that a person is physically abused by an intimate partner every 20 minutes in the U.S. In many instances, the...
Active Duty Service Members – Where Should I File for Divorce?
Military Divorces in New Jersey When someone is in the military, there rules regarding divorce that apply to the service member and their spouse. Oftentimes those in the armed forces move often and don’t have residency in the state that they are stationed currently....